Written by imanuel on September 20, 2020

Seprod Limited (SEP) – Declares A Dividend

Seprod Limited has advised that at a Board of Directors held on September 17, 2020, the Board declared an interim dividend with respect to the ordinary shares (“Seprod Shares”) in the capital of the Company payable on October 19, 2020 to Seprod Shareholders on record as at September 30, 2020. The ex-dividend date is September 29, 2020.

The dividend declared has the following two components:

  1. Cash of $0.30 per Seprod Share.
  2. Additionally, 15,447,465 shares (“CPFV Shares, recently purchased by Seprod Limited”) in the Eppley Caribbean Property Fund – Value Fund at a ratio of 0.02171 CPFV Shares for every Seprod Share held. Fractional CPFV Shares will be rounded to the nearest CPFV Share. Seprod Shareholders owning less than 20,000 Seprod Shares will receive cash in lieu of CPFV Shares in proportion to their holdings of Seprod Shares. Cash payments in lieu of CPFV Shares will be based on the closing price of CPFV Shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange as at September 17, 2020.

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